Hopefully some of the content here helps you to get going a little bit faster. Get the conversation by provided Sys ID. I found it on the SNBlog, the author is Stefan Bohncke. I will keep working at it. The Snowball - 2023 - An Independent ServiceNow Site, How To Use setValue() In A GlideRecord Query. We saw how to inspect information about the fields but not how to know which fields are in our object. Scripting around dates and time in ServiceNow has caused every ServiceNow Engineer some pain at a certain point. This will return multiple records, because a while statement is used to cycle through the query results. The easiest way to inspect the details of the fields and values that are available to the GlideRecord object and when they are available is the script debugger. ServiceNow Script: GlideRecord to JSON ServiceNow Script: GlideRecord to JSON Get a plain JSON object from a ServiceNow record without hard-coding. I wouldn't recommend using getForm if all you want is the information. SN seems to be all scripting from the get go with limited use of GUIs for configuration. My personal preference is to build my query in the list view and use the copy query on the breadcrumbs then take that and break it down into parts for easy readability. Practice your skills in a hands-on, setup-free coding environment. var gr = new GlideRecord(incident); Click here to download the update set containing everything we built in this article! Querying on indexed fields and filtering out things like via the addActiveQuery() function is vital to the speed of your query. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. qc.addOrCondition(C) Lets set a breakpoint in our script on line 3 and then invoke our business rule so we can get to our script and start inspecting our GlideRecord. Field must be greater than the value supplied. One thing I think this lacks is the, http://wiki.servicenow.com/index.php?title=Inserting/Updating_GlideRecord_with_References. GlideRecord Scripting The most common and fundamental scripting used in ServiceNow is GlideRecord. GlideClassElement is the glide class sub-element that we need to set for GlideRecord, GlideForm, etc. gr.addQuery('state', 'IN', '1,2'); Then you can just add that as an encoded query and not have to worry about the correct AddOrCondition setup. The evolution of the old workflow editor. Skip to page content. current.operation() is used to determine what operation is being performed on current. I will publish a more detailed post just on performance soon. numberSTARTSWITHINC^stateIN1,2^sys_updated_on<=2018-06-08 06:59:59. var gr = new GlideRecord('task'); When you are mass updating records, sometimes you don't want to run the business rules/workflow on every record you updated or have your name and the last updated time be when you updated it. Id prefer using an encoded query if possible. Note: You will need the Connect plugins activated in your instance (com.glide.connect.*). Above we have the query I have chosen to use. You can also see that theres a display_value, of the users actual name. We will be building a flow action that can both start a conversation, or add messages to an existing conversation. Peter. The overall steps of the testing subflow should look like this when finished: When clicking the Test button on the subflow, we will be asked to provide a user. Ive used it successfully before, but now it seems to be cancelling the update that it precedes. You use the getDisplayValue() method to convert the sys_id of the reference field, to a human readable value, or the display value of the record in question. It appears to be down. // Since the Conversation API does not provide a GlideRecord object or Sys ID, // look up the most recently created conversation by subject and return the Sys ID, Add user to a conversation, used only when creating a conversation, Set the subject of a conversation, used only when creating a conversation, The message to send to the conversation, used in both new and existing conversations, The conversation's Sys ID, used only when sending a message to an existing conversation, The conversation's Sys ID, used in output to chain together multiple messages in a single conversation, Return any errors caught during execution. An easy way to identify the encoded query string to use is to create a filter or a module with the query parameters you want to use, and then hover over the link or breadcrumb and look at the URL. var newArray2 = new Array(); Does anyone know if Flow Designer is an additional cost add-on? I need a script that will designate a Manager (u_l4_manager_id) as the approver in my workflow, based on the person the request is for (request.requested_for). You might check out these forum links for some more information about SNC scripting basics. https://demo.service-now.com/incident_list.do?sysparm_query=active=true^category=software^ORcategory=hardware, My encoded query string would be this You can see all the fields and their values we have available to us by expanding the object view. Which is usually not super helpful, especially if youre trying to add a comment or send an email, and want the users full name instead. while(gr1.next()) { Users with the action_designer role can create a custom action with one or more action steps. value is the new value that we want to set. By using that method, you can simply build the query filter in a standard list so that you can see exactly what you want, then right-click the breadcrumb and select Copy query. // var obj = getGrObject(grIncident, ["sys_id", "caller_id", "description"]); // "value": "1c741bd70b2322007518478d83673af3". When you find the "Requested by" field, you'll see that the value is some long string, which is the sys_id of the record that's on a different table. Thanks for the suggestions, GlideRecord To start the new year, I want to dive into the depths of the GlideRecord object and how this information can make you a better developer. Get Data Sheet Benefits Features Resources How to Buy Related Apps Contact Sales Benefits of Flow Designer Automate flows for everyone initialize (): creates an empty record suitable for population before an insert. In reference to the Or query is there any documentation about what a QueryCondition object is, and what its other functions are? You can do this by right-clicking the gray form header, and going to down to Show XML, which will pop up the XML of the current record in a new window. The generalized strategy is: - Create a GlideRecord object for the table of interest. // Returns an object, ready to be JSON-ified. Known synonyms are applied. outage.get(event.parm2); outage.work_notes = Outage originally assigned to + event.parm1; It's worth noting that this function returns more than just the values of a record, but all of the information to render a form. Example sys_id: 5137153cc611227c000bbd1bd8cd2005. Ive found it helpful to use AddEncodedQuery to manage those types of complex queries more easily. This function can be used from any of the sub-classes. Its not bad, but it isn't quite flushed out yet. (One email per month). In the Flow execution details all of this seems to work, but you can't retrieve the . Here are some examples of how you could do the same work with different methods. caller_id. // "value": "681ccaf9c0a8016400b98a06818d57c7". You can completely ignore the GlideRecord addQuery(), I just had to use an example of something. Get Data Sheet. In this article, we will build a single Flow Designer action that can both create conversations and send messages to existing conversations. As you step through the lines, you can watch what the debugger has for the incidents object. gr.addQuery(active, true); ServiceNow Flow Designer: Build a Connect Chat Action. Apparantly this is normal behaviour when using setWorkflow(false), the work_notes wont be updated. But David, can't I just use JSON.stringify directly on a GlideRecord? Sometimes, you want to get a record from ServiceNow as a simple Javascript object. Choose the current logged in user, and then click Run: When we navigate back to the Platform UI tab, we will see 2 messages delivered via connect chat: We now have a reusable action for sending Connect Chat notifications to users via Flow Designer! http://www.snc-blog.com/2012/10/22/temporarily-circumventing-business-rules-to-update-work-notes/, Hopefully this is helping you out? Note: An Integration Hub subscription is required to enable integration features such as running a Script step on a MID Server. The table is it a valid object, what query was used, and more. - Build the query condition(s). While you can dot-walk down multiple levels of referenced fields, it is my preference to work with the target referenced object directly if I need more than one field at a time. // fields = a string array of fields to include in the object from the glide record. var approver = new GlideRecord(sys_user); approver.addQuery(sys_id, current.requested_for); But this is not working. var inc = new GlideRecord ('incident'); inc.initialize (); gs.print (inc.opened_at.getDisplayValue ()); Conclusion: initialize gives no output. Field must be equal to or greater than the value supplied. Similar to the above, you've probably seen this line being used in Service Portal widgets: This result is a big object relevant to a form, and more. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. This is a pretty popular thing to do, especially for integrations where you're passing data around as JSON payloads. In this piece, we will attempt to discuss the basic steps in creating a custom action in Flow Designer. 49, 2020 if (gr.severity = 1){ To test this newly built Flow Designer action, we will create a Subflow that will use it multiple times to send messages to a single conversation. Hi Shilpa, If you've worked with the ServiceNow Service Portal before, you've likely seen this line of code in a number of widgets: This does something similar to my script above, and returns a plain object with the information about the fields. AND IncidentState =6), (Where Priority = 2 Many of the APIs are directly linked in the article, but you can find and get examples for those and more here. Nice one Mark, thanks for sharing. To just print the current date and time in a single method, use: Alternative to the GlideDateTime() class, you can use the JavaScript Date() object, which has more methods to retrieve helpful information from. https://developer.servicenow.com/dev.do#!/reference/api/paris/server/no-namespace/GlideQueryAPI#GQ-get_S_O?navFilter=glidequery. subflow (flow designer) are being called without their inputs, and are failing later on in the flow with "value of field record is not a GlideRecord" This is good if you just want to find one record, however the query would have returned seven items, which isn't completely efficent. This is ServiceNow Flow Designer Training.ServiceNow has been marketing themselves as low code platform and in one of the recent release they came up with flow designer feature which has totally changed the way of development in Servicenow for developers and process owners.What is Flow in ServiceNow?Flow is an automated process with a sequence of reusable actions such as update records, ask for approvals, create tasks, and send notifications.What is an action in Flow Designer in ServiceNow?An action is a reusable operation that enables process analyst or developers to automate different features in the Platform without need of writing a code. When using Flow Designer, or GlideRecord to set the password of a newly created user record, the password does not work to log in - Support and Troubleshooting - Now Support Portal Loading. There is. Since 2009, ServiceNow Guru has been THE go-to source of ServiceNow technical content and knowledge for all ServiceNow professionals. Idoubt if theres a single concept in Service-now that is more valuable to understand than how to use GlideRecord methods to query, insert, update, and delete records in your system. Get field values We have no affiliation with ServiceNow. Thankfully getTable(), isValidRecord(), getEncodedQuery(), and more exist for us to interact with unknown GlideRecord objects. Im also interested in doing nested AND conditions. Powered by Hugo. That is why a business rule is the method of choice for our examples. We are struggling with using AddQuery and AddORCondition to create an advanced query. Our Recruiting team is 100% certified by the AIRS Certified Diversity and Inclusion Recruiter course. I think the current starter includes 500k transactions. When our loop gets to the end, and we move back up to the .next() line and execute it again, we move to the next ordered result returned for our query. Flow designer is a platform capability. Flow designer is a platform capability. You can also view the icons within. Glide mainly shares Javascript APIs to deal with front-end and back-end, resulting in a highly interactive and user-friendly application. grInc.addQuery ( . That knowledge allows us to make a generic business rule which can handle all three operations but might have just a little extra handling for the delete case. addQuery('sys_class_name', 'INSTANCEOF', 'cmdb_ci_computer'). addQuery('short_description', 'DOES NOT CONTAIN', 'Error'); Field must contain the value supplied anywhere in the string provided. Get a plain JSON object from a ServiceNow record without hard-coding. It worked for me . We will utilize a variety of tools to expose the details of GlideRecord under the hood. Ill see if I can get something out next week. Anyone have any thoughts? *Fantastic* posting, Mark! Note that you can also chain your OR condition as well, which is usually simpler, An alternative to a standard query is to use an encoded query to create your query string instead of using addQuery and addOrCondition statements. Since we have been working with a business rule, we should check out a few functions and their common uses. I know that the SNC documentation team is really focusing right now on scripting documentation so what you see on the wiki should be getting better by the day. I find the encodedquery to be extremely helpful especially when my query includes things like created this week or created before a specific date. I struggle with AddOrCondition sometimes too. At first, you will see that it is undefined until we execute the incidents.query() line where it becomes an empty incident GlideRecord object and a pointer to just before the first results. This training provides our recruiters with tools and strategies to improve our diversity and inclusion efforts. Its primary function is to query a database table, and present values corr addQuery('short_description', 'ENDSWITH', 'Error'); Field must contain the value supplied anywhere in the field. The above is by no means a complete list of how you can get the managers name, department, phone, and title. getRefRecord(); //Returns the GlideRecord for the value populated in the 'caller_id' field The code uses the INSTANCEOF operator to query for those records. You can also use Copy Query to help figure out your encoded query content which is helpful. Correct - buying IH at the moment. Thanks for the comment. This way, there is only one flow action to work with when building flows. You can build the query you want in a module or filter definition to see what the encoded query should look like. Such as current.addQuery(opened_at, <=', new Date()-7); Although this does not work is there a way to do something like this to query for a given date range ? This action is not possible on the client, because you cant/shouldnt access the GlideRecord class client side. Alter and reuse these scripts found in this post for your ServiceNow implementation. I end up having to write scripts to check things that should be check-able in an IF. Andrew Albury-Dor let me know about this one, and how you can specify the fields that you want to return. see: http://community.servicenow.com/forum/5356. in a script action (parm2 = sys_id of an inc and parm1 = display value of an assignment group), I have: var outage = new GlideRecord(incident); You will note that all the reference fields render in the debugger with just a sys_id which is slightly misleading because you can through the magic of the Element API get to the referenced data easily. Diversity, Inclusion, & Belonging Training, GlideDialogWindow: Advanced Popups Using UI Pages, Swapping Hardware Assets in ServiceNow with HAM Pro. This reference field relationship allows us to do things like dot-walk to different tables in ServiceNow. Ive scoured the SN wiki and this is a better summary of their glide record pages. Important Note: Always run GlideRecord statements in a development instance first and make sure they work correctly before using in production! the conditions to be (A and B) or (C and D) or (E and F) and found Great Cheat Sheet and an excellent website!! gr.query(); while (gr.next()){ It looks pretty intimidating when bunched all together, but if you break it up at the ^ or ^OR which represents AND and OR it is much more readable. Flow designer is free until you look at integrations. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. However, it's worth noting that it doesn't allow you to dot-walk through reference fields to get values. Let's begin by creating a new Flow Designer action, named Connect Chat - Send Message. The fields of your object are called GlideElements. Perfect for integrations! Great to have all of these listed together thanks! var caller = current. Flow Designer. The few methods below that can be used in client-side JavaScript have been noted below. Learn more about Teams Field must be equal to or less than the value supplied. The Difference Between gs.log() and gs.print(), ServiceNow GlideDateTime() Get The Current Date And Time. I'm David McDonald, an Australian with a taste for: My career focus is in the ServiceNow platform, but I'm also interested in C#, web design, and C++ for programming Arduinos in my spare time. I'd ask your account manager for the contracted number. getValue(String name) returns null if the field is empty or does not exist. We will start by creating a business rule which will be used to hold our script, and be invoked in order to inspect the values in the script debugger. ; t retrieve the functionality of our platform less than the value supplied to what. 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